Manchester Car Accident Attorney Can Help You Calculate Lost Income After a Car Accident

If you are seeking damages after a car accident, you might want to enlist the services of a Manchester car accident attorney at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC in order to calculate the total amount of compensation you should request. You will need to recover any lost earnings as part of the compensation you seek.
Time Off Work
Missed attendance at work due to your accident usually results in lost income and/or benefits. This can include lost wages; using any paid-time-off, such as sick or vacation time; or the need to work extra hours in the future in order to make up the time you missed. Our Manchester car accident attorney will need to confirm these losses through documentation from your boss or the human-resources department. We will request the following information:
- How much time were you off work due to your injury?
- How much money would you earn as a result?
- Did you use vacation or sick time in order to cover the time off?
- Did missing work impact any opportunities for promotions?
- Did you miss working any overtime while you were off?
Partial or Permanent Disability
The issue of time off work becomes even more complex if you suffer a permanent partial disability as a result of the car accident. In addition, you might be placed on restricted duty with less pay after the accident. Our legal professionals can help you determine lost income in this event. The U.S. government has data that addresses decreased earning capabilities for anyone who suffers a permanent partial disability.
Special Considerations for the Self-Employed
A person who works on straight commission or who is self-employed might have some difficulty proving the amount of lost wages. You might be able to compare income tax records to show the difference in earnings before and after the accident. However, if you experience an increase in earnings, you will likely need to call on an industry economic expert in order to verify the related losses. You can also include the cost of hiring any substitute workers when calculating damages.
How Much Compensation Should I Ask for after I’ve Been Injured in an Accident?
It may be difficult to determine how much compensation you should receive for your injuries and financial losses in a personal injury case. Your attorney will figure out the amount of damages by calculating all of your medical expenses, lost wages, and additional costs related to the injuries sustained in the accident.
Contact Our Manchester Car Accident Attorney
Determining the amount of lost earnings is an important part of resolving your lawsuit. At the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC PLLC, we can help you calculate this figure and any other monies you may be due in order to arrive at a fair and just amount when you request compensation after a vehicular accident. For further information, call our Manchester car accident attorney at 603-624-7200.