Steps to Take Following a Manchester Auto Accident

You’ve just been involved in a Manchester auto accident with another vehicle. It was the other driver’s fault, and you both know it. You believe you are hurt, but you’re not sure how badly or to what extent. What do you do?
Call Emergency Personnel and Seek Medical Treatment
First of all, call 911 and report the accident right away. Let the dispatcher know you’ve been injured in a collision and are in need of emergency personnel. This is crucial for two reasons. First, it will ensure that you receive prompt medical attention for your injuries. Second, it will result in the police being notified and responding to the scene so that an appropriate investigation can be completed.
The police will be interested in collecting the following information:
(1) the date, time, and location of the crash
(2) personal information and statements from all drivers, passengers, and witnesses
(3) a summary of all injuries claimed to have been sustained by individuals as a result of the accident
(4) detailed information concerning the vehicles involved in the collision (including license plate, year, make, model, color, sedan/SUV/coupe, etc.)
(5) weather and street conditions
(6) any and all property damage to vehicles
(7) whether any part of any vehicle was malfunctioning or defective leading up to the moment of the accident (i.e. brakes, taillights, turn signals, etc.)
The officer preparing the report will also write a narrative of the details and apparent cause of the accident, including whether one party claimed that another party was speeding or driving erratically, etc. The officer will probably also draw up a diagram of how the accident unfolded with illustrations of points of impact.
The police report can be very helpful in identifying witnesses and other information that may later be relevant to your claim.
Collect Information and Make Notes
To the extent you are physically able to do so, collect all necessary insurance and contact information from the other driver. Take photographs of vehicle damage as well as your injuries if possible. Of course, if you are hurt or unable to move around, there’s no need to attempt this on your own at the accident scene.
As soon as possible after the Manchester auto accident, write down notes regarding your memory of how the accident happened and what you observed immediately before, during, and afterwards. As time elapses, it will naturally become more and more difficult to recall smaller details of the incident. However, in the event you end up filing a personal injury lawsuit, it’s possible you could be asked about these details several months from the time they happened. By creating a detailed log, you will have something you can review prior to a deposition or trial.
Speak with a Manchester Auto Accident Attorney
Should you receive a phone call from an insurance adjuster, keep in mind that you are under no obligation to discuss the accident with them. The representative with whom you speak may invite you to give a “statement” concerning what transpired. At the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC, we offer a free consultation for those who have been injured in a car crash. Please feel free to contact our office at 603-624-7200 to schedule a consultation before speaking with an insurance company representative, including giving a statement of any kind. Should you decide to retain our office to represent you, we will handle all communications with the insurance company and will work to ensure that you are compensated for the injuries you sustained.