Free eBooklet: Critical Evaluation Factors for 17 Types of Injury Cases

If you are like many personal injury victims, you may be unsure of the civil litigation process and whether it is the best fit for you and your family moving forward. The NH personal injury attorneys at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC understand the hesitation many people feel about filing a lawsuit – we are here to help answer your questions and explain the process from start to finish. at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC, you can expect uncompromising persistence and professionalism as our lawyers work hard to obtain the best results possible as we fight to protect your legal rights. We are pleased to present this quick-reading and informative eBooklet, loaded with helpful insights into how attorneys and insurers evaluate a wide variety of injury cases. Find your case type and learn about:
- Vehicle accidents
- Rear-end collisions
- Intersection accidents
- Parked or disabled vehicles
- Auto vs. pedestrian
- Auto vs. bicyclist
- Truck accidents
- Premises liability
- Slips and falls
- Stairway falls
- Falling objects
- Animal-attack cases
- Inadequate security
- Government entities
- Claims against a public entity
- Police misconduct
- Other cases
- Children and minors
- Food poisoning
- Intentional torts
- Nursing home abuse and neglect