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Injured By Falling Ice From Another Vehicle?


All drivers in New Hampshire are legally required to keep their vehicles clear of ice and snow. At first, this might seem like pointless law. But when you consider the hazards of driving with ice and snow on your vehicle, it becomes clear that these rules are in place to protect innocent people. If you have been injured by falling ice from another vehicle, you already know how serious this situation can be.

The good news is that you can get in touch with a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney in New Hampshire and hold negligent drivers accountable. If a piece of falling ice from a semi-truck injured you on the road, you may be dealing with considerable medical expenses and missed wages. Your attorney can guide you towards a substantial settlement that allows you to cover these expenses.

What Are New Hampshire’s Laws on Clearing Snow and Ice From Vehicles? 

In New Hampshire, it is against the law to drive a vehicle without first clearing away snow and ice. This is known as Jessica’s Law. It’s especially important to clean snow and ice from the roof of the vehicle. The reason for this is simple: ice can slip off the vehicle and strike other motorists or pedestrians. It’s important to note that drivers can be fined for breaking this law whether or not their behavior leads to an injury or death. In addition to fines, drivers can face criminal charges for breaking this law. In 2020, a commercial truck driver in New Hampshire was charged with vehicular assault, reckless conduct, and negligent driving when ice slid from the roof of his truck and seriously injured another driver.

Proving Negligence 

In order to successfully sue another driver and receive a settlement, you must first prove that their negligence led directly to your injuries. In some situations, proving negligence is difficult. However, when ice slides from a vehicle and injures you, proving negligence is easy. Not only can the injury be clearly linked to the falling ice, but the driver also broke the law. This means that they obviously acted in a way that endangered other motorists. As a result of this, it should be relatively easy to win a lawsuit against a driver that fails to clear away ice. If the driver who caused your injuries has not yet been arrested, file a report with the police. If you can, take pictures of the accident. The police report will likely become a key piece of evidence in your upcoming personal injury lawsuit.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today 

For help from a skilled Manchester personal injury lawyer, contact Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured victims in the state, including those who have been injured in car accidents. We can help you hold negligent drivers for breaking New Hampshire laws and putting other motorists in danger. Book your consultation today to learn more about your legal options.



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