New Hampshire Liquor Commission Blames Bar for Deadly 2022 Crash

Drunk driving continues to be a major issue in New Hampshire, and bars are often to blame for these accidents. Serving drinks to visibly intoxicated people is illegal in this state, and that is exactly what the Liquor Commission is accusing one bar of doing before a fatal 2022 crash. This is proving to be an incredibly contentious trial, however, and the bar’s attorneys are hitting back with their own allegations.
Bar Accused of Allowing Driver to Reach a BAC Level of .224
On November 15th, it was reported that a New Hampshire Investigator had testified at a hearing against a Portsmouth bar – stating that a man had been served numerous drinks before he crashed that night. He eventually reached a BAC level of .224 – which is three times the legal limit. The investigator also claims the bar served the patron despite his visible intoxication, which is also against the law.
Although the circumstances regarding this situation are still being investigated, the outcome is clear. One person died that night – a 21-year-old New Hampshire resident who was riding in the drunk patron’s vehicle. The accident involved no other vehicles – and the five other occupants were all hospitalized with various injuries. Eventually, the driver pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges – including negligent homicide and second-degree assault.
While the driver’s consequences have already been resolved, it is not clear whether the bar will lose its license. This is something that the bar’s attorneys are fighting to keep, and they are attempting to shift the blame onto the driver. According to their argument, the number of drinks served by the bar do not factor into the equation at all. Instead, they claim, the accident was purely the result of the driver “trying to show off” in front of his friends.
Can You Sue a Bar for a Drunk Driving Accident in New Hampshire?
New Hampshire has dram shop laws, which means that establishments may be held liable for injuries caused by individuals who become intoxicated on their premises. Specifically, these establishments may be held liable if they serve alcohol to minors or visibly intoxicated individuals who later become involved in accidents.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Injury Attorney after a New Hampshire DUI Crash?
If you have been harmed by a drunk driver in New Hampshire, it may be possible to hold the bar accountable for serving drinks in an illegal and irresponsible manner. One way to determine the most appropriate course of action is to book a consultation with a qualified Manchester personal injury lawyer at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira, PLLC. With our guidance, you can pursue justice and compensation in a confident, efficient manner.