Manchester Truck Accident Lawyer

Commercial trucks are extra-large vehicles that are six times the length of an average vehicle and nearly 20 times their weight. When a collision occurs with a commercial truck, the passenger vehicle and its passengers will sustain extensive damages and injuries. Commercial vehicles of all sizes need to be very aware of their surroundings as well as their potential to cause harm. Passenger vehicles must also use caution when driving near these vehicles. Simple errors can lead to a catastrophic collision. As a Manchester truck accident lawyer at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC knows, the following reasons are some common causes for truck related collisions:
Driving a truck for a living requires skill, patience, and the ability to react quickly. Commercial trucks are regulated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. When a driver is responsible for the trucking accident, the following issues are the most common causes:
- The driver was inadequately trained to operate the vehicle
- The driver was operating the vehicle for more hours than allowable by law
- Unrealistic schedules caused the driver to operate the vehicle recklessly
- The trailer was packed incorrectly, causing the trailer to shift while moving
- Proper maintenance was not performed on the truck, causing mechanical failure
- Falling asleep while driving or using medications that make an operator drowsy
However, it should be noted that these are not the only truck driver related issues that cause serious collisions. The Truck Safety Coalition provides an abundance of information on trucking accidents and is a good resource.
Speak with a Manchester Truck Accident Lawyer About Your Case
If you or a loved one have been injured in a truck related collision, you will benefit from speaking with a Manchester truck accident lawyer at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC. Schedule a free case evaluation and learn about your right to compensation for any injuries and losses sustained in a truck accident. Call 603-624-7200 and schedule an appointment with a Manchester truck accident lawyer today.