Manchester Car Accident Lawyer on Establishing the Validity of Your Claim

You may have heard the expression that insurance companies are in the business of denying liability, but there’s nothing funny about this line if you have been injured in a car accident and are dealing with an insurance adjuster. Your interest is to receive a fair settlement in a timely manner, which entails convincing the insurer that you have a legitimate and viable claim. Although each situation is unique, a Manchester car accident lawyer can explain how best to establish the validity of your claim.
Mitigate Your Damages
Legally, one who suffers injuries in a car accident is required to do all that is possible to recover as quickly and completely as is feasible; you cannot allow damages to continue to increase the potential settlement you receive. Additionally, however, insurance companies also view more favorably the claim of a plaintiff who has demonstrated both the desire to get better and also made marked progress toward that end.
Document the Evidence
A requirement for recovery in personal injury law is that damages be certain and not speculative. If you maintain accurate and detailed records that are clear and not subject to interpretation, the insurance company adjuster is far less likely to question their validity and delay the resolution of your case. This applies to both your complete medical records regarding the car accident and lost wages or income that was a direct result of your inability to work due to your injuries.
Communicate with Counsel
It is important to keep in regular contact with your car accident lawyer. Initially, important information must be regularly communicated regarding your case, but by doing so you are also demonstrating to the adjuster that you are serious about your claim and are working diligently towards a resolution.
Contact a Manchester Car Accident Lawyer for Legal Advice
A car accident case follows a process that can be confusing to an accident victim. To fully understand your rights and responsibilities, call the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC, a Manchester car accident lawyer firm, at 603-624-7200.