Can You Sue For Crashes Caused By Icy Roads In New Hampshire?

Drivers in New Hampshire should be well aware of the dangers posed by icy roads. Even a small amount of ice can cause vehicles to lose control. These accidents can cause serious injuries or even fatalities, leaving family members and victims with financial losses, psychological trauma, and a lifetime of missed wages. But can you sue for injuries caused by icy roads? What happens if you were involved in a single-vehicle accident with no other cars involved? How can you get the compensation you need to pay for your damages?
Examples of Crashes Caused by Icy Roads in New Hampshire
Many recent accidents in New Hampshire were caused at least in part by icy roads. On December 12th, it was reported that an off-road crash had resulted in the death of one victim in Lebanon. This individual was reportedly driving a Jeep on private property when he lost control and rolled the vehicle. The victim and one passenger were ejected from the vehicle, causing one fatality and one injury. While it’s not clear whether the actual crash was caused by icy conditions, first responders struggled to reach the scene of the crash. One fire truck even slid out of the road on the way to the scene and had to be pulled out of a ditch by a crane.
Also on December 12th, it was reported that the driver of a semi-truck had lost control in Dover near the Spaulding Turnpike. The truck then veered over the guardrail and into oncoming traffic. It was at this point that the truck collided with two smaller passenger vehicles. The driver of one of these vehicles suffered fatal injuries, while the driver of the second vehicle suffered minor injuries. The exact cause of the crash was not revealed, but images from the scene of the accident suggest that the road was icy and snowy.
New Hampshire is a Comparative Negligence State
If you’re considering your legal options after an icy vehicle crash, you should know that New Hampshire uses a modified comparative negligence state. This means that in order for a person to file a claim and successfully recover compensation, you must prove that another party is more than fifty percent at fault for your injuries. If the accident was caused only by icy roads, your options for compensation may be limited, because, of course, you cannot sue the ice itself for injuries. However, you may have the ability to sue government agencies or property owners for failing to clear away ice and snow in a timely manner. In addition, you could sue vehicles that caused your crash. For example, a semi-truck may have lost control and veered into your path – causing you to swerve off the road. Even if no actual collision occurred, you may still have the opportunity to sue the trucking company for negligence.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Personal Injury Attorney in New Hampshire?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified Manchester personal attorney, look no further than the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC. With our assistance, you can explore your legal options during a consultation. Even if you were involved in a single-vehicle accident caused by icy roads, there may still be a route towards compensation for your damages. Book your consultation as soon as possible to avoid issues with the statute of limitations.