New Hampshire Officials Urge Drivers To Be Cautious During Construction Season

Construction season is about to begin on New Hampshire’s many roads and highways. In some respects, this is a great sign. It means that taxpayer dollars are being reinvested back into our communities and our infrastructure. On the other hand, construction season can actually result in tremendous costs. This is because roadside construction can be extremely hazardous – both to roadside workers and motorists who are passing by. As a result of climbing roadside construction accidents, New Hampshire authorities are warning drivers to exercise caution this year.
If you have been injured in a roadside construction incident, it makes sense to get in touch with a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney in New Hampshire as soon as possible. If you are an injured worker, a lawyer can help you with your injury claim. You may also have the opportunity to sue negligent drivers for causing injuries. If you are a motorist who became injured due to a roadside construction incident, a lawyer can also help you sue negligent parties and recover financial compensation. It’s best to get in touch with an attorney as soon as possible, as the statute of limitations can prevent you from suing if you wait too long.
The Statistics are Stunning
As they made their warning to motorists across the state, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation highlighted some stunning statistics. They stated that a vehicle collision in a road work zone occurs once every 14 minutes across the entire nation. They also stated that 100 workers are killed each year in these work zones, with a further 200,000 being injured. Aside from pointing out the risks to workers, the Department of Transportation also touched on the hazards posed to motorists.
According to them, 80% of all people killed in roadside work zones are drivers or passengers. These roadside construction accidents can also take the lives of police officers. Last year, Sgt. Jesse Sherill was killed while supervising construction on I-95. He was struck while sitting in his police vehicle when he was struck and was attempting to protect the workers by activating his blue lights.
The Move Over Law
The Department of Transportation also highlighted the “move-over law,” which states that drivers must slow down when approaching construction zones. If possible, they must also switch lanes to provide roadside workers with as much space as possible. It remains to be seen whether drivers will actually heed this important law.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
The dedicated Manchester personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC are prepared to assist you with recovering compensation for your injuries. With our assistance, you can strive for the best possible results in a highly confident, efficient manner. Book your consultation as soon as possible, and we can immediately get started on an action plan. A settlement is within your grasp, and you can use this settlement to pay for medical expenses, missed wages, and much more. Reach out today.